Thursday 3 March 2011

Question Three

Joshua Liam Whincup

Evaluation - Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The film that we created has an extremely low budget and it is not of fantastic quality, as we did not use the top of the range equipment that blockbuster films would use the majority of the time, due to these reason it wouldn’t be shown in any cinemas. Therefore our film was always going to be edited and distribution on a much smaller scale than say for example, a blockbuster film. Although the best we can hope for is to become critically acclaimed and achieve a cult following, however this is unlikely due to the budget and the cast and crew experience.

Such companies as Dogwoof, a UK film distribution company that is known for is supporting approach to independent films and allowing them to become critically acclaimed, could help us distribute our film, Fragmental, on a hybrid scale. Such companies as Dogwoof help film makers by directly allowing them distribution services and the majority of the time offers the rights to films, such as controlling payments and costs and allowing them to see profits. I have also been informed that another likely distributor for the film Fragmental is Guerilla Films. They have constantly help distribute independent British films and films from the Republic of Ireland. They are extremely willing to discuss and to review any completed independent films created within the UK and Ireland.

Distributors play an extremely important role within the film industry and have a huge amount of responsibility. Distributors give films hype and exposure to gain larger audiences and to improve its success. Once a film is completed and the distributor is selected, the distribution companies with determine the release dates for the film, to get the most success. The distributor will the present the piece of film to an exhibitor and begin to agree and discuss a marketing campaign and negotiations, for example, if the film will be shown up the cinema, how long for and how many cinemas will it be shown in and in how many countries. A distributor will also release film posters and advertisements to attract their target audience and create hype for the film. The film we created, Fragmental, could be shown in certain cinemas, such as independent cinemas across the UK. By showing out film it may attract fans of independent films, other students interested in film and or are involved in film making and it may even attract talent scouts. From this our film, Fragmental, may become more critically acclaimed and future interest and success.

Also our film could enter a film festival and competitions within the UK. These festival help to promote and young film makers and their material. These festivals involve screening and many competitions, workshops and they some time involves speeches from people involved with the film industry. This is an easier way of helping our film being distributed. Also there are certain competitions you can enter such as Film 4’s competitions for young film makers, which may help distribute our film. 
The internet is also another extremely helpful place to distribute film. This is a lot cheaper and releasing your film onto such websites as you tube, you are releasing your film to millions of viewers around the world.

Production Company – JJAD Production

However as it is an independent British film it would not make sense to try and distribute it on an international scale that is why we decided to distribute our film through the internet.

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