Thursday 3 March 2011

Question Four

Joshua Liam Whincup

Evaluation - Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Target Audience:

Teenage boys and young men.
Target of age ranging from fifteen to twenty five.
Occupation - Student.
People who have experienced what the film features.
Any ethnic background.
Lifestyle preferable of the stereotypical student and teenager.
Those who enjoyed such films as, Kidulthood, Adulthood, Freedom Writers, Bullet Boy and Shank.

We decided to specifically aim our film, ‘Fragmental’ towards people of this calibre because we decided to make out target audience the typical target audience that other films within the same genre aimed their film at. We wanted to have our primary target audience to be the usual target audience to other films with the same genre of our film so we would be keeping the same codes and convention and would fit perfectly into the genre we wanted our film to be within. After we had the codes and conventions of a youth crime, drama we could then focus on changing the codes and conventions and attract other audiences.

Secondary Target Audience:

Girls and Women – Due to the love and romance between Sam and Nikki and due to having a female as the leading character.
Target of age ranging from fifteen to twenty five.
Also again aiming at students.
Of any ethnic background.

We also are trying to come at this film at a different angle and introduce a campaign, and also target adults to watch our film so they can get a extremely realistic view of what goes on within youth crime in today’s society.

Films that our target audience may have watched recently and enjoyed that links to the film we created, ‘Fragmental’.

Kidulthood - The film follows two days in the lives of a group of fifteen-year old teenagers from a rough area of London. The story focusses mainly upon Trevor and Alisa. An older student, Sam, is the main antagonist in the film because of his violent behaviour, his harassment of others as well as his rough demeanour. Sam also brags to Trevor that he has been sleeping with Alisa. It also transpires that a student, Katie, is being badly beaten by a group of girls. She is approached after school by Sam, who threatens to kill her if she tells anyone. Katie's parents pay little attention to her and ignore the extent of the bullying. A distraught Katie flees to her bedroom, writes a note and hangs herself. After Katie’s death the story begins to unfold and life for the students will change forever.

Misfits - Misfits is a British comedy-drama series about a group of young offenders forced to work in a community service programme, where they attain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm.

Bullet Boy - The film is about a family in crime ridden east London, the eldest son's involvement in gun crime, and the effects of this on his younger brother. Upon being released from prison, Ricky is collected by Wisdom, an eccentric and naive friend who is desperate to establish himself within their neighbourhood. Immediately after arriving back, Wisdom accidentally breaks a wing mirror off a car belonging to a local gang member. The following confrontation leads Ricky pulling away Wisdom in an attempt to keep peace. Wisdom later returns a gun to Ricky, who stores it within his bedroom, which is shared with his younger brother Curtis.Curtis finds the weapon and hides it away for his brother himself.
Skins - Skins is a British teen drama that follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the two years of sixth form. The controversial plot line explores issues such as dysfunctional families, mental illness (including eating disorders), sexual orientation identity, substance abuse and death.

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