Wednesday 9 March 2011

Question 7

Evaluation – Question 7
7. Looking back at our preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
The Preliminary Task
We was told to film and edit a few shots of a character walking through a door towards another character, sitting down facing them and having the characters engage in conversation. The conversation had to be relevant and create a short narrative that was easy for the audience to understand with such little dialogue. The characters sat faced to face which allowed us as amateur film makers to experiment with the shot, reverse shot technique and also allowing us to experiment with the 180 degree rule.
Main Task
Create a two minute opening sequence of a new fictional film with the genre of your choice. The opening sequence would involve the opening credits, copy right free music and to be produced by other pupils’ production companies.
I believe that since filming the Prelim Task, I have adapted many more skills, techniques and talents and have achieved what I wanted to achieved as director of the opening sequence, Fragmental.
Both tasks where kept simple and wasn't too complicated due to our lack of time, dialogue and camera and other technology skills. We also had to focus on sound and continuity and involving shot, reverse shot and applying the 180 degreee rule within the Prelim task.
On the other hand the main task was far more detailed. I knew this due to the other techniques we had used which we had to apply to the main task, and the change in certain factors such as the length in time. With a different group it was far more exciting as it was much more professional and it was a fantastic oppitunity to apply our new skills to.
Withing pre production of the prelim task we had very little time compared to the main task so we had to plan fairly quickly. We then had to shoot and edit and finish the production within a week or so. However this experience was fantastic as it helped me with preparing, shooting and editing our main task.
A list of things we had to produce before creating our prelim and main task and their importance during pre production.
Elected roles and position
Picture storyboard
Location reece
Shooting Schedule
Sound checks
Time management

During the prelim task with the lack of time we struggled however we managed to suceed and the final product was of a good quality taking into consideration that we had very little experience and lacked technical skills. Comparing this to the main task i believe that the prelim ran more smoothly. This was because there was a debate between some crew members which created tension on set, also some of the crew suffered from nerves on the day. Als o with the main task we had a few technical difficulties, such as the battery running out and the tripod was damaged, however we worked around these faults and i was extremely happy with the final project.
My role asthe director, i just wanted to create something i and the rest of the crew could be proud of. As the director i had to make many decisions and i believe that my decisions where good and the film was created to the best of it's ability.
While filming we made sure we had a several good shots of each shots, and made sure we had plenty of choice. Also what was a problem during our prelim, we made sure in the main task to keep checking the spirit level after altering, moving or adapting the camera and tripod to fit the shots. Also within shots to give the actor or actress enough space to room and that the shots we used where suitible to the mood of the shot and it relates to the narrative.
Post Production
Continuity was the main factor in the prelim task and camera work and other techniques wasn't really a factor and it was kept extremely basic compared to the main task due to our lack of knowledge and experience in film making. Editing was just our basic knowledge of digitising, we did need help during editing because of the new technology we had to familierise ourselves with in order to create and edit our prelim. Although continuity was a huge factor, it was not the only factor we had to worry about, making sure all the shots flowed well and was in a good order.

Both task and it was incredibly helpful and it really help me understand how to create a piece of film sucessfully. It also helped because we was constantly reminded of whaat we should be aimig for and how to present things for our target audience. However for the prelim task we didn't have a target audience, it was more a learning experience and a stepping stone, allowing us to become one step closer towards our main task. Overall, i believe that both tasks have helped me and that once you make a piece of film it is important you learn from your mistakes and when creating a new piece of film you learn and adapt to the industry and your target audience.

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