Wednesday 9 March 2011

Character Profile

A Lonely girl, who doesn’t know what she doing.
Living her life for her parent but isn’t happy herself.
Music expresses her feelings.
Her family doesn’t care much about what she going through.
Nikki is a lonely girl in her own world she doesn’t like anyone in her family and her neighbourhood is a down looking society. She only finds trust in one girl called Samantha (Sam) but she doesn’t fully puts all her trust into her.
Everyday for Nikki it’s the same routine of going school bunking a few lessons them come home and stay in her bedroom and listen to music.
She is very intelligent but depression and loneliness has brought her down the drain, she was a scientist to be but her own life has destroyed it.

Only at the age of 15 she has been through too much for her life to handle
From abusive moments, break-ups happening in the family.
Because of all the violence she has experienced she had there fore bought a fire arm weapon to protect her from any attack from her Dad or Uncle whom she doesn’t live with anymore.
She doesn’t tell anyone about what happens at home neither does her friend Sam know about it.
All her anger builds up inside.
She doesn’t see that life is worth living at the moment, even at school she gets bullied by girls that just don’t like the look of her but she can’t physically defend herself.

She’s was in foster care once at the age of 12 but then the social services brought her back to her family.
Everyday all she thinks of is ending her life but she hasn’t got the will to do it.
She hasn’t even lived most of her life but she just can’t take it.
She loves listening to hiphop/rock/slow jams & classic. Nikki isn’t much of a food lover she keeps it down with her fizzy drinks and sweets through the day.

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