Monday 13 December 2010

Films That Relate (Characters)

These Three characters are very similar to Fragmental's main charatcer 'Nikki'. The two characters from Kidulthood however may be very different within the film and how they are portrated, but they are similar in emoutions, they both hate themselves and life, and one of them finally can not take the bullying she recieves and decides to take her own life, which is similar to the narrative in Fragmental that follows 'Nikki'. The other female character is 'Emily' from the television series ' Skins'. This character is a indie female, who has recently dicovered she is a lesbian, she attends sixth form and spends her time going out to parties and experimenting with her new love, 'Noami'. This character 'Emily' seems far from similar to the character 'Nikki' however the characters are similar in emoutions that they are terrified of the struggle they have to pull through to become happy, however 'Nikki' fails to do so and decides to take her own life and the lives of the ones who ruined hers. 

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