Tuesday 14 December 2010

Location Recce

In the beginning we spent a lot of time trying to figure where our location would be.

Thought process

1st idea- Park
Advantages- there would hardly be anyone there, so it will be easy to film. There is a park that is just near the school, so it is close. We wanted to show the main character walking to school at this location. We wouldn’t need permission to film at this location.

Disadvantage- It would be difficult to move the equipment around and the equipment would, also be in danger of being stolen. We would be outside, so it would rain.

2nd idea- The road outside of school 

Advantages- It’s close to school and if it starts to rain we could easily go back into school. This location was also going to be used in order to show the main character on her journey to school.    We also wouldn’t need permission for this location because we have already been told that we could film outside.

Disadvantage- Due to the fact that were so close to school students could easily come out in order to disrupt the filming. During break and lunch times or when students are going in-between lessons the noise could be too much.

In the kitchen

The only prop we needed for this part of the location was milk and a class. This was due to the fact that there were no pictures in the kitchen or any other props that could affect the realism of the opening sequence. However there were large windows in the kitchen that allowed a lot of light to come in, so we would have to worry about lighting and how it would affect continuity while filming.

In the bedroom

This would be difficult because the two girls in the group would have to bring in things from their houses in order for the room to look like it belonged to a girl. This was a practical issue because we all go to school and it would be extremely heavy for the girls to take their school stuff and personal belongings to school. This situation could be easily talked if we ask josh if we could bring things to his house little by little during the week.

In the bathroom

This location was completely fine because there were no props that would disrupt the film. This location was perfect because it already had some of the props we needed in it e.g. toothpaste. Deborah however would have to bring her own toothbrush.


Josh would have to ask his mum if we could use the house on the day we need it. Josh’s parents would need to be out of the house as well while we were filming in the house. Josh also had a dog which could cause a problem, so we would need to ask Josh if he could do anything about that.

Issues with the house

The house seemed a bit to posh for someone who was meant to be quite ghetto or bullied. We decided that this how different she is to her family because she looks out of place in her hoodie and leggings. There were many polished surfaces in the house, so we had to make sure that there were no reflections of us.


The whether has already been checked for the day of filming. It isn’t raining on the day of filming in the mourning, which was the only time we were filming outside. House noises e.g. fridge noise would be alright because they are natural sounds you would hear in a house. 

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