Monday 13 December 2010

Knife Crime

Knife Crime Campaigns

The film Fragmental was made to influence the many gangs, using weapons and violence on each other to stop using knife crime and go into education and make something of your life. The film's idea was based around this due to many involved of making the film being from Barking and Dagenham which is a community that suffers from their youths commiting crimes on each other and many others around the streets of Barking and Dagenham.

These sort of campaigns are a perfect example of how we want our film to come across. Many films are made about youth, gang and knife crime and some what brag that it is an interesting life to be involved in. Certain films do involve some bullying due to the violence however it is over shadowed by the drug taken, abusive language and action many characters within this genre of film use. However we decided with our film we would focus on the after shocks of the bullying and how it makes peoples lives not worth living. Many films such as Kidulthood may have the same themes as us but however focus on the 'good' side of this crime and do not focus enough on preventing it insteed of children watching it and thinking that it is acceptible to act in this manor. We want to give a message out within our film that the people that watch it who are involved in gangs think to themselves that this is not the right round to be going down. Living in an area were alot of this behaviour takes place we almost feel we have to help put a stop to it, that boys my age should not be running around fighting, stealing, being arrested and taking drugs and should be in school trying to make something of themselves.

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